Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Hostage Taking in Discovery Channel Building in Maryland-Live

Dear insansapinas,
It is 3:6 pm ET and it's more than two hours that a man who was identified as James Lee entered the Discovery Channel Building and took an unspecified number of people as hostage. I am watching the hostage situation right now at the MSNBC Channel.

According to the police authorities, the people including the babies at the daycare center of the building were already evacuated and secured. There were 1,900 personnel and non-personnel in the building who were safely brought out the building.

The media were just waiting for the updates of the spokesperson of the autohrities. No people were milling around the secured area except the police. What was being shown in the television was a rerun of film clips that were taken earlier. The police's  concern was that the hostage taker may be watching TV monitor.

Negotiations were going on which were not broadcasted.

The SWAT Team was already deployed but the megotiators would like to resolve the hostage situation without bloodshed.

The negotiators are consulting an expert negotiator.

4:00 pm E.T.  The captain briefed the media people of the current situation. According to him, there was no new development. 

I called up my friend to make her watch NBC. The Discovery Channel is in Silver Spring, Maryland.  I did not know that our Channel 4 is for DC, Maryland and VA only. But at 4 other channels were covering the hostage situation live preempting their late afternoon programs even the Oprah show. 

It is not only the local police authorities which were involved. Even the FBI and other national authorities were tapped to help.

5:00 pm ET, The hostage taker was shot by the police.  
  More updates later...

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