Thursday, August 18, 2011

Survey says, Betty White, Most Trusted; Paris Hilton, most unpopular

Dear insansapinas,
Estelle Getty, Bea Ssthur, Rue McClanahan and Betty White

While Paris Hilton has just been treated by celebrity-struck Filipinos like a goddess, the  survey conducted by Reuters and Ipsos ranked her first as the most "unpopular" and least trusted endorser of products together with Charlie Sheen, the Two and a Half Men star who was kicked out from the sitcom.

Betty White, the only surviving cast member of the Golden Girls is number one. Although she is alread 89 years old, she beat Sandra Bullock who placed number three in the poll.

Among the most unpopular, are Tiger Woods who lost product endorsements because of the sex scandal, Donald Trump, for being annoying person, Arnold Schars (whatever) who fathered a son with a housekeeper and Britney Spears.

Betty White may not be popular in the Philippines because the Golden Girls sitcom reruns may not have been syndicated. White is the "dumb one" among the four women who included Bea Arthur,  Rue McClanahan and Estelle Getty


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