Sunday, April 03, 2011

Phases of Life and the Bathroom

Dear insansapinas,

My first memory of a bathroom was when I slipped in a white tiled floor as I tried to get away from my mom who was cleaning my ears while giving me a bath. There were soap suds all over. Then we moved and the little room  was not only a place to do my  ritual thing; it was also a safe refuge when mom’s angry with me because I had misbehaved when I was a kid. It was also there when I could annoy my older brothers by staying longer while they were short to getting the axe to open the door. Priceless. The bathroom cabinet had powder, toothpaste, lotion and some cough syrup bottles.

When I started growing pimples and reading romance novels, the bathroom was a place for wiping  my eyes with tears. That was where I poured my heart out, aided by rolls of toilet papers, I cursed, I wept and I wiped my eyes promising to myself that I will never let myself hurt again. Hindi na. Tseh.

After a few months, I was back again to that small room pondering what happened to my resolution. Looking at myself in the mirror, I made my resolve again.

The cabinet had added a few items such as pimple remover, anti-perspirant cream, mouthwash and foot powder.

I graduated, joined the corporate jungle and raised a family. The bathroom became a nest for hatching ideas to be presented to the gods wearing expensive suits. Showers took longer time. 

Water flowed as ideas popped out like  bath bubbles, blown to droplets of  water when thought not feasible.

Another bathroom fixture was added…a bathroom vanity.

 Plants  were placed near the toilet bowl. Air fresheners gave the sweet scents 24/7. Pictures were hung on the wall. Colorful rugs provide beautiful floor accents.

Now with health issues, it is not only aesthetics which is my concern. The medicine cabinet grew to become like a mini-pharmacy.




  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    mam,hope ur feeling ok

  2. lee,
    feeling lang palaging pagod at tamad. tinamaan ng katam. mewhwehe
