Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tsunamis in the Philippines

Dear insansapinas,

It all started when I remembered the story of my grandmother about the tsunami that struck their island.
The company had built a seawall made of timber which must have cautioned the impact of the tsunami. Nevertheless, she said that the moment they saw the water receded, they tied themselves in the coconut trees to avoid being swept away to the ocean. I did not know if there were casualties, all I can remember was that she mentioned that the cocounut trees merely bent and swayed with the waves and the family was safe.

I did not understand the story since I was very young then. Didn't even know what tidal wave was. All I know was, it left fear in my heart that every time I saw the waves, it reminded me of the story. I did not know the exact year so I did a little research and I found the following information from Tsunamis which I tabulated below. 
All the tables below indicated the dates and the locations where the tsunamis struck. The intensity column refers to the magnitude of eaethquake that triggered the tsunamis including those from the neighboring countries. It can be observed that it was only later when the intensities were measured. It was a problem of what standard to use?

Are we going yo be hit by tsunami?

Table 1 shows the tsunamis in Western Luzon Island from 1627
to 1934.

Date Location Intensity/
06-00-1627 W. Luzon Is. n/a
09-14-1627 W. Luzon Is 8.00
00-00-1628 W. Luzon Is n/a
02-28-1638 W. Luzon Is n/a
11-30-1645 W. Luzon Is n/a
12-05-1645 W. Luzon Is n/a
12-07-1677 W. Luzon Is n/a
00-00-1744 W. Luzon Is n/a
12-00-1770 W. Luzon Is n/a
10-26-1824 W. Luzon Is. n/a
11-09-1828 W. Luzon Is 7.5
01-18-1830 W. Luzon Is n/a
09-16-1830  W. Luzon Is n/a
09-16-1852 W. Luzon Is 7.5
03-04-1862  W. Luzon Is n/a
06-03-1863 W. Luzon Is 6.5
07-14-1880 W. Luzon Is n/a
09-23-1887 W. Luzon Is.  n/a
12-08-1905 W. Luzon Is. 6.5
11-19-1915 W. Luzon Is 6.4
02-27-1922 W. Luzon Is 6.3
06-02-1924 W. Luzon Is n/a
05-05-1925 W. Luzon Is 6.8
05-25-1925 W. Luzon Is 6.2
02-14-1934 W. Luzon Is 7.6
08-20-1937 W. Luzon Is 7.5

The most visited place of tsunamis is Western Luzon with 27 recorded events from 1627 to 1937. The last tsunami was in 1937 yet. Why did it stop? Is there any possibility that it is going to strike again in this region?
It has been 74 years since 1937. The longest time that there was no tsunami in Western Luzon was between 1824 and 1770 or a total of 54-tsunami free period.

Table 2 shows the tsunamis in Eastern Luzon Island from 1735
to to 1968. 

Date Location Intensity

E. Luzon Island
12-00-1735 E. Luzon Island n/a
07-18-1880 E. Luzon Island n/a
09-10-1901 E. Luzon Island 7.0
09-05-1949 E. Luzon Island n/a
12-29-1949 E. Luzon Island 7.2
01-08-1968 E. Luzon Island 7.3

Eastern Luzon experienced seven tsunamis since 1735 to 1968. Note that in year 1735, there were two tsunamis recorded and another two in 1949; 48 years of its absence since 1901

Table 3 shows the tsunamis in Taal, Luzon from 1716 to 1965

Date Location Intensity
09-24-1716 Taal, LUZON I. n/a
05-13-1745 Taal, LUZON I. n/a
08-11-1749 Taal, LUZON I. n/a
01-27-1911 Taal, LUZON I. n/a
09-28-1965 Taal, LUZON I. n/a
The intensities of the earthquakes were not available. It is not much visited
by tsunamis. There were only two in the 20 the century.

Table 4 shows the tsunamis in Samar Visayas from 1747 to 1995

Date Location Intensity
07-00-1747 SAMAR, Visayas n/a
12-25-1933 SAMAR, Visayas n/a
04-21-1995 SAMAR, Visayas 6.3
04-21-1995 SAMAR, Visayas 7.3

After a long absence of no tsunami since 1747, there were three recorded in 1900's; the latest of which was in 1995.

Table 5 Tsunamis in Sulu Sea from 1653 to 1948
Date Location Intensity
06-00-1653 SULU SEA n/a
02-00-1675 SULU SEA n/a
03-00-1675 SULU SEA n/a
10-13-1865 SULU SEA n/a
05-25-1889 SULU SEA n/a
05-26-1889 SULU SEA n/a
12-30-1910 SULU SEA 6.2
01-03-1922 SULU SEA 6.0
07-18-1923 SULU SEA 5.5
11-25-1925 SULU SEA 5.5
06-15-1928 SULU SEA 7.0
05-07-1939 SULU SEA 6.5
1-24-1948 SULU SEA 6.5
01-25-1948 SULU SEA 8.2

In the Mindanao region, Sulu Sea was the place most visited by tsunamis.Since 1910, there were 14 events recorded,
However, the last tsunami was in 1948.

Table 6 shows the tsunamis in Philippine Trench from 1911 to 1975

Date Location Intensity
07-12-1911 PHIL.TRENCH  7.7
03-14-1913 PHIL.TRENCH  8.3
11-11-1921 PHIL.TRENCH  7.5
04-14-1924 PHIL.TRENCH  8.3
01-10-1970 PHIL.TRENCH  7.3
09-30-1970 PHIL.TRENCH  5.3
10-31-1975 PHIL.TRENCH  7.6

The tsunamis happened mostly in the 70's.

Table 7 shows the Tsunamis in Mindanao Island from 1919 to 2002
Date Location Intensity
01-02-1919 MINDANAO IS.  7.4
12-02-1972 MINDANAO IS.  7.4
06-14-1978 MINDANAO IS.  6.9
04-04-1990 MINDANAO IS.  7.5
03-05-2002 MINDANAO IS.  7.2
The latest tsunami in Mindanao Island was 2002.

Table 8 shows the Tsunamis in Eastern Mindanao from 1921 to 1952
Date Location Intensity
12-11-1921 E. MINDANAO 7.5
04-15-1924 E. MINDANAO 8.3
08-30-1924 E. MINDANAO 7.2
09-13-1929 E. MINDANAO 7.2
03-19-1952 E. MINDANAO 7.9

Table 9 shows the Tsunamis in the Philippines without specific places.

Date Location Intensity
08-12-1749 PHILIPPINES    n/a
10-19-1865 PHILIPPINES    n/a
10-19-1897 PHILIPPINES    6.5
02-00-1903 PHILIPPINES    n/a
06-09-1909 PHILIPPINES    n/a
11-12-1921 PHILIPPINES    7.5
12-26-1933 PHILIPPINES    n/a
06-19-1935 PHILIPPINES    7.2
08-23-1936 PHILIPPINES    7.3
09-05-1949 PHILIPPINES    6.0
11-05-1949    PHILIPPINES    6.0
08-17-1976  PHILIPPINES    6.8
05-17-1992  PHILIPPINES    7.5
05-15-1995  PHILIPPINES    7.0

If my guess is right, the tsunami which hit my grandma's island was in the year 1949.


1 comment:

  1. opperradda2.blogspot.com8:41 PM

    have a blessed morning Mam Kat. missed your post today. hope you're okay.
