Thursday, April 05, 2012

Angelo Castro, Jr. said goodbye to the world

Dear insansapinas,
Tina Monzon Palma and Angelo Castro, Jr. upon his return to ABS CBN  last year after two-years leave

Angelo Castro, Jr. one of my favorite broadcasters succumbed to cancer on April 5, 2012 after a long battle with the disease. He's one of those who had modulated voice, poise and he delivered the news with authority and  confidence. 

He's younger than another two great broadcaters, Jose Mari Velez who died in early 1990's., and Harry Gasser, the husband of Flora Gasser, the commediene who is also suffering from prostate canver.  I remember my curfew at home. If I see these broadcasters delivering the news, I knew, I missed my curfew. 

ACJ asked his family to let go of him. He stopped waging the battle and started his journey to another realm. His wife June Keithley is also fighting her own battle, breast cancer.


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