Friday, March 02, 2012

Tinimbang ka pero sa kaliwa lamang

Dear insansa[inas,
It is not only Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago who was pissed with the survey that was supposed to have been conducted by the UP Paralegal Society of the Philippines. Embarrassed by the result of the Bar Examination, Enrile advised the students to study more than spend their time on  surveys that lacked complete basis for the conclusion. 
Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile on Thursday assailed so-called “surveys” in connection with the impeachment trial, particularly the one conducted by a student group from the University of the Philippines, his alma mater.
The sudents need not use their high ends dadgets to come up with the result. All they have to do is to go to the public market and asked the vendors to show them how to use the scale.

But their intention was not really to get the truth but influence the opinion of the public that the accused is already guilty even if his side is not yet heard. 
“If that’s true, they should study first so that they would top the bar,” Enrile told reporters in Filipino, taking a swipe at UP’s performance in the 2011 bar examinations wherein no one from the school landed in the Top 10.


Miriam Santiago's ballistic last Wenesday revealed the"hair" days of the following:


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