Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Birth Pains by the Dozen

Dear insansapinas,

The gist of the news article about the prosecutors is that it is the house prosecution panel which is on trial on the impeachment. What with the booboos and the bumblings it is easy for observers to agree. It is a phenomenon that all the 12 members are experiencing the same pain--birth pains according to their allies and kakam--pi. One is Drilon who can not wait to show his yellow color for begging the public for the understanding  of the group.

Sen. Franklin Drilon, a partymate of TaƱada in the Liberal Party, shared his appeal for understanding for the House prosecutors.“I think that they are going through some birth pains. The impeachment court and the public should give them some leeway. Maybe they are not comfortable with their surroundings, maybe they are nervous. They are before the glare of national TV,” he added.

Kailan pa kaya sila manganganak?

I remember during the impeachment trial of Erap when all pieces of evidence presented as exhibits were marked so before the discussion.

I am thinking whether prosecutors even bothered to watch these legal oriented drama series or did they ever have case simulations before participating in the trial. 

The member was even presenting a computer generated evidence. Doesn't he know that original legal documents should be properly authenticated ? 


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