Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tribute in Light-Just Reminiscing

Dear insansapinas,
Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011 8:46 a.m. Moment of Silence is observed in all networks to commemorate the first plane attack to the NY Twin Towers.
The last of the three moments of silence was to commemorate the attack of Pentagon, Virginia.

The fountain in the Ground Zero bore the names of the victims of this man-made disaster on that fateful day.

The two blue beams that make up the 'Tribute in Light' briefly stretched out into the Manhattan sky last night.The art installation was switched on for the first time this year as preparations for the tenth anniversary of 9/11 on Sunday continued.Its 88 bulbs will project upwards from Ground Zero - as it has done for the past nine years - from dusk on September 11 until dawn on September 12.It is one of a host of events in memory of the 2,753 who died on the site of the Twin Towers in 2001.
Five years ago, my brother made me look up  the sky to see this blue tribute light. I've just disembarked from the airport coming from California. The attack was not only New York. It was also an attack in Washington, DC and Pentagon, Virginia.

Ten years ago, coming down from Tagaytay with a lady friend to visit our favorite places, I chanced to see the news about the Twin Towers of New York. At first, I thought it was a movie of Arnold Scwars whatever but then I noticed that it was a newsbreak. 

Going back to the States after three weeks of vacation was a nightmare. There were no flight schedules.

My office was already frantic. I should be home by that time of the year when work was starting to peak until December. At the airport  we were subjected to the strict screening.
One week of being sick added to my absence. But travel has never been the same again.

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