Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Papogi Signs

Dear insansapinas,
Here in the States, to warn pedestrians from crossing, they use internationally accepted and recognizable signs. 

or this sign...

In the Philippines, signs are used by politicians for papogi points:

The signage reads, "Bawal Tumawid" (Crossing is prohibited) with the smiling photo of Quezon City Mayor Bistek. For those who are not familiar with the Philippine showbiz, "Bistek" is the nickname given to the former actor Herbert Bautista.
But I like this sign best: 

More papogi point:

What is the President doing distributing checks to poor senior citizens under his conditional cash transfer program. I thought he does not like micromanaging. Where are the DSWD people? All about SWS survey.
photocredit: Manila Standard

I like this sign:



  1. Oh wow! Dog? Sarcastic?! Kaya gusto ko dito eh! Lagi akong tumatawa!

    Have a nice day Cathy!
