Monday, May 16, 2011


Dear insansapinas,

After a year, the first automated election in the Philippines results into two leaders, the President and Chief of Staff. One will be reigning the Balay and the other the Samar groups. The PHL will be waiting for the guava to fall from the tree. Tsak.

The first birth control for deer is approved in Maryland. The dear population, ermmm deer population is threatening civil disobedience.

When Roxas campaigned for presidency, he rode on the traysikad. Now that he's hired as Chief of Staff of Noynoy, he was feted with bikefest as a welcome. Masyado raw mabigat ang traysikad. mwheehe. 

Grumpy Bieber was met by only seven fans in Hong Kong Airport for the  last stop of his concert tour. Handlers of the bratty kid showed more than 100,000 fans in the picture of arrival. wohoo.

In the Philippines, a video taken in the NAIIA was removed from youtube showing how he mistreated the airport official who was asking for his signature.

Tssk tssk, No wonder, he was pelted with eggs in Australia.


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