Sunday, February 06, 2011

Afterlife, Unfinished Business and Reincarnation

Dear insansapinas,
Lately, old movies that I watched in the TV are those which delved on afterlife. (Tinutukso talaga ako. Parang nang-iintriga).

My favorite among them is ALWAYS, a romantic-comedy film directed by none other than Speilberg and starred by Richard Dreyfuss and Holly Hunter. The song featured in the movie was Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by the Platters.

Dreyfuss as Peter died when he tried to save his friend Al. He left behind a girl friend (Holly Hunter) who was devastated by his death. 
In the afterlife, he met his spirit guide (Audrey Hepburn) who told him that his new role is to guide the living. She said that people hear the spirit's voice inside as if it were their thoughts.

It turned out that he was going to guide the new pilot who replaced him in his job as well as in the heart of his girl friend. He selfishly tried to sabotage the relationship. It was when his girl friend almost died that he released her memory of him so that she can move on.

Call me whatever but I like the scene when Dreyfuss as a spirit danced with her in her moments of melancholy. Kaiyak. Tissue nga.

Heart and Souls-Unfinished Business

Heart and Souls is a 1993 fantasy/comedy film about the souls of four deceased people who are trapped on earth and can only be seen by a single living human being who is recruited to help them take care of their unfinished business.

Robert Downey starred as the banker who was supposed to be the instrument of the four ghosts who were his invisible companions from the time he was born. Roaming as lost souls  after they died the bus crash, they did not know that the 20 years that had elapsed were supposed to be enough to put a closure in their unfinished business with the help of Downey. They were give a few more days by the driver who was fetching them for their final destination. The first soul was able to return the rare stamps that he stole from a family; the other male ghost was able to perform in a stage as a singer. The black lady found her long lost son who was put into adoption. It was the cop who they encountered all the time when Downey violated traffic rules.

The last soul would like to meet his boyfriend whom she liked to marry when she met the death in the fatal crash. She never told him how much she loved him when she was still alive. The boyfriend died seven years ago, lonely and never recovered after her death.

After the unfinished business, she was picked up by the ghost bus.

Made in Heaven-Reincarnation

A movie which starred Timothy Hutton. The film was marketed with the tagline "How in Heaven did they meet? How on Earth will they find each other?"

Timothy Hutton as Mike died rescuing a family from a car which fell in the water. In the ethereal realm, he fell in love with a woman who had never reincarnated. When she was reborn, Hutton missed her so that he made a deal with a chain-smoking angel to let him reincarnate.

The angel took pity on him but on the condition that he had to find him within 30 years. Aside from that his memory was erased so he will not remember about the woman and  his desire to see her again.

On earth, every time there was an opportunity that their paths would cross something happened. Besides, the woman was already married. 
Will he find her? 

Nakatulog ako bago nag-end ang movie. Whaaaa.
