Wednesday, January 05, 2011

When Death Stares at you

 Dear insansapinas,
This one is from the Smoking Gun Presents the World's Dumbest Criminals, a cable television series which presents weekly a countdown of twenty events caught on camera perpetrated by by half-witted criminals or would be criminals. 

Publicity is great for starlets. But criminals really should shun the spotlight. Robert Echeverria, 32, scammed a Rialto, California, Del Taco by calling up and pretending he was a local CEO whose order had been botched.

Echeverria was so pleased with the $15 in free eats, he and two friends shot a short movie called How to Scam Del Taco and posted it on YouTube. It proved popular, especially among cops, who watched it and promptly arrested the would-be executive.
It doesn't fail to make me laugh.

But this event in the Philippines where the victim caught his killer on camera before he died is not funny  no matter how dumb that person is  holding the gun in front of the camera.


It's not uncommon for criminals to be caught on tape in the age of smartphones and pocket-sized cameras, but you don't often hear of someone photographing their own murderer.
The Philippine Daily Inquirer and hundreds of other news outlets are reporting that Caloocan City Councilman Reynaldo Dagsa did just that on New Year's Day.
The photo, which was distributed to police and the media by the Dagsa family, shows Dagsa's wife, daughter and another relative posing for a photograph. A man in the background is standing behind the family and another man wearing a backward baseball cap is holding a handgun whose muzzle is illuminated by the camera's flash.
First, someone died. A barangay official. Second,  the criminal  is not just an ordinary felon, he was convicted of  other crimes and authorities believed that the motive is revenge. Third,  the criminal was bold enough to kill the councilman in the company of his family.


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