Saturday, September 11, 2010


 Dear insansapinas,
I've been involved in a non-profit, charitable organization that receives donations from corporations, billionaires, celebrities  and other philanthropists not because I was charitable and had extra millions to share  (ulk, nabilaukan) but because I was responsible for the accounting of these millions and more millions coming from the government to feed the homeless, to give assistance to the marginalized , to help the substance and illegal drug dependents to kick their bad habits, to comfort the single young mothers and people aho are just plain lazy to work.

There are many Hollywood stars and celebrities who may have notorious media image but their involvement in charities are not something they  flaunt in public for self-promotion.

Kaya pag may nakikita akong  mga artistang Pinoy na may foundation daw, may non-profit organization at namamahagi ng mga school supplies with full TV coverage, gusto kong ibato yong aking laugh top. Kaya lang baka masira.

Kaya itong sinulat ni Nestor Torre, isa na mga nirerespeto kong showbiz writer, paniwalang-paniwala ako. 

CHARITY is supposed to be a noble, selfless act that should be kept a “secret” from other people, especially from the media. The Bible itself offers this rule and guideline for all charitable people and their selfless acts: “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” – in short, mum’s the word!
Alas, that caveat has been utterly ignored by many “charitable” people, who not only do not keep their acts of generosity a secret, but make sure that (paid) photographers are on hand to immortalize their charitable donations!
More recently, the medium of choice is television
, where all sorts of “generous” creatures, show biz celebrities included, “humbly” share that they have been helping this and that unfortunate person or organization.

How do they rationalize their weird combination of “humility,” “generosity,” and self-promotion? Their logic: I don’t really want to talk about myself and my good deeds, but the Bible also says, “Do not hide your light under a bushel,” so I’m talking about it in the hope that it can motivate and inspire other people to be similarly generous!”
Oh, wow. There must be especially warm place in purgatory reserved for such “generous but humble” celebrities who specialize in hypocritical mental acrobatics of that quirky contorted sort.


  1. Were you that Filipina lady at Accounting... your face sounds familiar. He he he...

  2. and your name sounds similar. nyek nyek nyek
