Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Friends

Dear insansapinas,
My latest vacation was my third since I migrated to the US and every time, I come home, my former faculty, my former office mates and my former boss were there to see me.

The former faculty members decided to come to the house when I told them, I will not be able to travel and walk without the aid of a walking stick especially when my legs and feet became swollen after I got off from the airplane. My brother assured me that he had the same swelling when he took a vacation last December. The flight was too long so that fluids flow to hte extremities while seated for many hours in the cabin.

So they brought food and we talked.

We had a grand time. I mourned for those who passed away. Two died of stroke; one was a victim of robbery and the older ones already retired.

I am happy that after all the years, they still remember and were very enthusiastic to hear me tell my US experience. While there were office politics that made them just polite to each other, they set it aside and enjoyed reminiscing our good old days. Some of my projects have been retained.

The only one who was absent was the person who conspired with the President to eliminate me when I was still the dean. She is now the dean of  the College of Business administration when another college that of Accountancy and Economics was separated as a unit I heard that she was also responsible for the removal of the president. There are no permanent friends ; only vested interests. Hohohoo.

Yes, Virginia, even in the academe, there are a lot of intrigues and ass-kissing. And I did not know how to kiss ass. And my former faculty also learned from me that there is no respect when someone got the position because of being in the right place, right time and favorite person.

My former boss also came. He was a ranking government official in the Education sector. He asked me if I am interested to teach again. I said no. With the traffic and the heat, I could no longer  afford to go from one university to another.

No, I did not see any blogger. I am not familiar how the telephone works. The Bayantel cannot call a cell phone or things like that. Besides, I have not really met anyone personally. Our place was in Tandang Sora where traffic is horrendous.

I brought with me a cell phone which did not work. I felt so jurassic with people around texting, taking pictures and talking over a cell phone.


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