Monday, September 08, 2008

How is your boss?

Dear insansapinas,

I got this article about dealing with bad bosses. this is an excerpt.

Your boss seeks your advice on personal problems as though you’re his therapist.

I seldom become close to my bosses especially, ladies. There were a lot of rivalry and insecurities…not unless they share my passion for jewelries, my only vice. I don’t go to fancy restaurants, not unless I am invited as guest, I drink decaffeinated cafĂ©. I only went to Starbucks once. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink. I buy my designer clothes with huge discounts. Mostly those with a little smear, one button missing or slacks with uneven hemlines that they are export rejects. But to me who can recycle a leopard print bed sheet to a beautiful jacket, I can easily fix the few imperfections of these designer clothes. Whatever I saved, I buy a piece of jewelry for important occasion that I would like to remember.

Last time, I was close to my male boss, there was jealousy from the wife. He talked about me in his sleep. hehehe


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