Friday, July 11, 2008

The Pill Bottles

image of bottle pills at pinaysaamerika
dear insansapinas,

i went to th pharmacy to get my refills. hmmm may makeover ang kanilang pill bottle.
may additional stripes or labels sila where you are given instructions when to take and what are the side effects as in drowsiness... kaya hindi ka pawedeng magdrive pag nakainom ka. kaya pala zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. ooops did i fall asleep again. heniweys,
dizzines is another side effect, so if you are single and you never have those ahh moments, don't think that it is an immaculate conception, honey. you are just feeling the side effect. damn those side effects. is there an earthquake?

the driver that picked me up looked asian. i do not know if he is japanese, korean and chinese. i never met a japanese here in the us, so he must be chinese. mi hao ma?

yes, he is chinese. he asked me if i am hispanic. no, you lose. next.


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